- Inquiry for granulating line We have HDPE pipe extruder, injection machine and film blowing machine we need to buy pelletizer line for them Material source Factories reject production, plastic material that has been collected for the rubbish area. Versatile pelletizer Add any auxiliary which will make the line more versatile, we need plastic film and hard pieces to become granules. Line specification 2 stages, equipped with non-stop screen hydraulic changer dies There are two types in the market First type First stage Screw diameter: 120mm, L/D: 28:1 Motor: 75Kw Heater power: 4 groups* 9Kw, 36Kw Mould heating: 2groups×8Kw Motor model: A.C motor with inverter Second stage Screw diameter: 90 mm, L/D: 16:1 Motor: 20-45Kw Heater power: 2*9KW, 18K Mould heating: 2groups×4Kw Motor model: A.C motor with inverter Second type First stage is 30 kw Second stage is 7.5 kw The second type is less than half price of the first type and it’s obvious that our electrical bill will be less. So which philosophy is better? What p